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Viz Media LLC

Like a Butterfly, Vol. 10

Like a Butterfly, Vol. 10

Regular price $15.99 CAD
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Would you rather wait for love like a flower, or fly toward love like a butterfly?

Suiren Shibazeki is often compared to a beautiful flowerbut one that grows on the tallest peak of a mountain, forever out of reach. When Suiren develops feelings for the quiet Taichi Kawasumi, however, she doesnt want to be a distant flower. Shed rather leave her lofty perch and fly toward him like a butterfly.

After seeking advice from Atohira, Suiren is determined to show more courage in her relationship with Kawasumi. But when Atohira realizes he also has feelings for Suiren, his rivalry with Kawasumi reaches new heights. When the schools cultural festival rolls around, will the tension between the two finally boil over?

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